The institute recognizes that the interaction with the potential employers must be invited from the very beginning. The placement cell has built good relations with a number of companies who are known to provide good employment opportunities.The placement cell has chalked out modules for the students to abroad for training
1. Arrange for Summer Training to all interested & deserving students in Russia.
2. Arrange vocational training from potential employers.
3. Develop Industry – Institute relationship & tie ups for projects.
4. Invite guest lectures & speakers from corporate as well as other avenues.
5. Provide software training on various technologies specific to each branch.
6. Provide Value Added Course for making our students highly efficient & employable.
7. Conduct classes of Personality Development (G.D,Mock Interview).
8. Conduct Workshops and Seminars.
9. Arrange excursions & industrial tours for the students.
10. Provide placement to all deserving students.